
This page is about lfid3, a simple MP3 ID3 tag editor.


  1. Features
  2. How to use it
  3. License information
  4. Download
  5. How to compile/install it
  6. Author
  7. SourceForge.net


There are lots of ID3 tag editors all over the world. Mine is very simple.

Interactive tag editing

Do an interactive edit of song information, i.e. lfid3 asks you for each piece of song information to enter. Data insertion is made easy expecially for repeated information for a list of files: when you always need to write the same artist or the same album for an entire list of files, lfid3 copies the previous entered corresponding field if you type a single dot ('.') when requested. Tracks are also numbered semi-automatically, since lfid3 simply adds one to the previous entered track number, padding to the auto-detected number of digits with zeroes.

Strip tags from a file

If you are annoyed, for some reason, of ID3 v1 or v2 or both types of tag, you can remove them and clean up the file from extra information.

Rename a list of files

Pattern-based file renaming, using song tag information.

List relevant song info

It simply displays stored song info from a list of files.

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How to use it


lfid3 [operation] file1 file2 ... fileN


--info Prints title, artist, album, track and year.
--raw-info Prints raw song info read from tags (useless).
--remove-v1 Removes ID3v1 tags.
--remove-v2 Removes ID3v2 tags.
--remove-all Removes every known tag.
--interactive-edit Interactively asks for song information for each given file.
--rename <pattern> Renames files based on a given pattern.
--simulate Used with --rename, it just simulates a rename.
--help Prints this help screen.
In interactive edit mode lfid3 tries to guess field values from previous entered information. You can use the suggestion within brackets by typing a single dot '.' when asked for field value.

Pattern fields

%a Artist
%t Title
%c Album
%y Year
%xn Track number (you have to type the number of digits to pad to, from 0 to 9, instead of x, e.g.: %3n)

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License information

This software is released under the GNU General Public License.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

For further and extended information on what GPL means, you are encouraged to visit http://www.gnu.org/.

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Latest release is 0.9. You find it here.

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How to compile/install

You must have id3lib (http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/) correctly installed in order to compile lfid3.

Once you got them, unpack the file and run (for Unix-like systems)

sh make.sh

Then, to install it, run:

sh make_install.sh

The compiler script (make.sh) automatically tries to download id3lib if not present.

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This program was written in C++ by me, Dario Berzano. I'm a Physics student at the University of Torino (Italy).

You can send me every stuff related to this project here: legendary_fox (at) users.sourceforge.net.

You can also visit my website here:

Remember that the 95% of this code is id3lib's, not mine. The guys of id3lib did the dirty work.

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This web space and my project's page are hosted by SourceForge.net.

lfid3 project page is here.

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